El Rico GSA

EL RICO Groundwater Sustainability Agency

Under the Sustainable Groundwater Manament Act (SGMA), the Groundwater Sustainability Agencies are charged with managing groundwater within the GSA Boundaries.

SGMA was the first California statewide groundwater regulation and was passed by the legislature in 2014. SGMA provides the authority to form local Groundwater Sustainability Agencies (GSA's) that will be responsible for bringing groundwater basins into sustainability by 2040. GSA's are responsible for creating a Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP).

One of the primary objectives of a GSP is to define a framework for sustainable groundwater management criteria with consideration of the physical setting and beneficial uses and users of groundwater, consistent with the requirements of the SGMA.


Groundwater Sustainability Agency ROLE

The legislative intent of SGMA is to recognize and preserve the authority of local agencies to manage groundwater according to their existing powers. As a result, local governmental bodies play an important water-management role in California. SGMA assigns different roles to DWR, the State Water Resources Control Board, local agencies, and counties related to GSA formation.


GSP Status Summary

Click HERE

Tulare Lake Subbasin Groundwater Sustainability Plan

Click HERE


Click HERE


Click HERE

Area That We Serve

El Rico Service Area

The El Ricco GSA covers approximately 357 square miles (±228,400 acres) and is located in the center of the Tulare Lake Subbasin (Figure ES-2) (DWR 2019d). The public and private agencies within the El Ricco GSA are the City of Corcoran, Kings County, Alpaugh ID, Melga WD, Lovelace RD, Salyer WD, Corcoran ID, Tulare Lake Drainage District, and the Tulare Lake Basin. The primary industry within the El Ricco GSA is agriculture. Other industries within the boundary include food processing, as well as warehousing and distribution, and commerce industry that is standard in a community of approximately 10,000 people (e.g., automotive shops, supermarkets, etc.).


Recent News

GroundWater  Projects  

Corcoran Irrigation District: Flood Capture And Basin: Recharge And Storage Project

Corcoran Irrigation District-Flood Capture And On Farm : Recharge Project

Corcoran Irrigation District-Aquifer Storage And Recovery (ASR)

Corcoran Irrigation District-Modifications To Existing Conveyance System

Corcoran Irrigation District-Reservoir Construction

Levee Construction and Maintenance for Water Storageand Percolation 

Pipeline Conveyance

Click HERE to access these plans in detail



El Ricco GSA Directors – Chairman Jeof Wyrick, Mark Unruh, Jim Razor, Thomas Hurlbutt, Dominic Sween, Erik Hansen & Matthew Gilkey

Staff – General Manager – JJ Westra, Controller – Chantal Ouellet

Board Meetings

Board meetings are Held on the Second Tuesday of every month convening at 1:00 p.m. at 1001 Chase Ave. Corcoran Ca 93212



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Email Jwyrick@jgboswell.com